Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

business law (dewi wahyuni, jamilah, musdalifah, laode ruslan)


1.1        Background

Adira insurance premiums have increased in October 2010. Many questions about this situation. Why is it happen, what techniques are applied and what is the important of insurance. So users of insurance has increased from year to year, especially in PT ADIRA INSURANCE and all insurance comoanies in Indonesia.

1.2        Problem Statement

From this paper, we can get the problem statement:
1.      What technique are used by PT Adira INCURANCE?
2.      Why every one needs insurance?

1.3        Objectives of The Paper

From above, we can get  the objective of the paper:
1.      To know the technique by PT ADIRA INCURANCE
2.      To know the importance of insurance

1.4        Significant of The Paper

1.      To help other insurance companies
2.      This paper can be a reference for users


2.1              Partinent Ideas

2.1.1        Definition
insurance in uu is about the business of insurance is an agreement between two or more parties. where the parties committed themselves to the insured. the insured receives insurance premiums. where the insurer provides reimbursement to the insured for loss, damage or loss of expected benefits or third party liability which may be suffered by the insured arising from an uncertain events. provide a payment based or dies or lives insured.
Insurance in law and economics is a part of risk managements , used for hedge against the risk of loss. Narrowly insurance is a system for degrading the financial loss. Benefit of Insurance companies. The insurance companies have benefit from investment profit that called float.
2.1.2        Legal Basis
insurance in uu is about the business of insurance is an agreement between two or more parties. where the parties committed themselves to the insured. the insured receives insurance premiums. where the insurer provides reimbursement to the insured for loss, damage or loss of expected benefits or third party liability which may be suffered by the insured arising from an uncertain events. provide a payment based or dies or lives insured.
agencies that distribute the risk is called the insurer and the body is called the insurer to accept the risk. agreement between the two parties is called a policy. The policy is a legal contract that explains all the terms and conditions protected. fees paid by the insured to the insurer for risks covered by so-called premium. This is usually determined by the insurer for the fund can be claimed in the future.

2.1.3        insurance company profits
insurance companies also earn investment profits earned from the investment of premiums received until they have to pay the claim. This money is called float. insurer could incur losses or gains from price changes and interest rates or float in the float dividend. in the United States, lost property and deaths recorded by the insurance company is U.S. $ 142 billion within five years ending in 2003. but the total profit in the same period was U.S. $ 68.4 billion as a result of the float.

2.1.4        principles of accounting
in the insurance world there are 6 kinds of basic principles that must be met, namely:
insurable interest, ie the right to insure. arising out of a financial relationship, between the insured and the insured is legally recognized.
utmost good faith, which is an action to disclose accurate and complete, all material facts regarding something that will be insured, whether requested or not. means that the insurer must honestly explain everything clearly about the extent of the terms or conditions of insurance and the insured must also provide a clear and correct for objects or interests of the insured.
proximate cause namely an cause of active, efficient which raises of events which brings a result without the intervention an which began to and actively from sources who new and indepanden.
indemnity is a mechanism whereby the insurer to provide financial compensation to put the insured in a financial position that they have just loss.
demanded the transfer of subrogation rights of the insured to the insurer after a claim has been paid.
the contribution from the insurer the right to invite the other person equally bear but do not have the same obligations to the insured to participate in providing indemnity.

2.2              Analysis of Issues

2.2.1        To Know what techniques are applied in Adira so insurance premium  increased by 40%

Some people think that insurance like a bet which applied during the period of policy. Insurance companies are betting that property buyers will not be lost when the buyer pays the money. The different between expense that paid to the insurance company against the amount they can receive when the accident occurred nearly equal if someone bet in a horse race (example 10 to 1). Because of this reason, some religious groups, like Amish avoid insurance and depend on the support they received by their communities when disasters occur.
In the community that have a close relationship and supports which the people can help each other to rebuild the property that lose, this plan can work. Most people can’t effectively support this system, will not work for big risk.
There are some trick that applied by  PT. Adira Insurance although nearly equal to other insurance companies, but they are confident that they can compete professionally.
1.      Product
a.       Home
b.      Company in brief:
1)      Company in brief;
2)      Company pillars;
3)      Management team;
4)      Corporate social responsibility;
5)      Awards
c.       News and tips
1)      What's on news
2)      Press release
3)      Tips
4)      Testimonials
5)      Insurance knowledge
d.      Products
1)      Autocillin
a)      Product information
b)      Faq
c)      Autocillin garage
d)     Premium simulation
2)      Motopro
3)      Product information
4)      Fire / property
5)      Heavy equipment
6)      Marine cargo
7)      Safetrip
8)      Axioo shield
9)      Pa telkomsel
10)  Other
11)  Service
12)  Service process
13)  New application
a)      Payment procedures
b)      Claim procedures
c)      Renewal procedures
d)     Endorsement procedures
14)  Representative office
15)  Adira care
16)  Autocillin rescue
17)  Autocillin garage
e.       Partner
1)      Re-insurance
2)      Agent
f.       Career
1)      Life at adira
2)      Job vacancy
a)      Fresh graduates
b)      Experienced professional
g.      Downloads
h.      Contact us
2.      Development of human resources
On the base of trust that human resources are an important asset of the company,adira insurance take the place for management of human resources as one of the strategic aspects that have an important influence and determine in creating  competitive advantage which needed by organization.
Beside that , to anticipate rapid changes that happening in the business world, established an organizational structure that is able to adapt quickly and appropriately to the demands of the business, the organizational structure that "lean and mean" with optimal support of Information technology, and high commitment to make the culture of learning at each layer and functions in the organization.
Human resource management is done optimally, start from the recruitment and selection, performance management, people development, till compensation management.
Recruitment and selection process which is the gateway of an organization that have  an important role in getting potential candidates, which has competence in accordance with the needs of the organization, which has the working spirit inggi to provide the best, and of course a healthy mind and body.
Employee development and continuous carefully done starting from the determination of competency models, both soft competence and technical competence. Measurement of employee competency level, the selection of an appropriate development program, to program evaluation. In addition, employee development is done by conssidering the needs of individuals and organizations, both short term and long term.
Compensation in the form of financial and non-financial internal balance is given with regard to each individual according to their contributions.
3.      Mangement trainee program
Since its inception insurance adira very aware that human resources plays a very strategic for business development. Therefore since both berdir, adira insurance has run the program for the management ttrainee mendapakan future candidates can be a very valuable asset to carry insurance adira growing rapidly.
Trinee Management program is employee development program aimed at recent graduates with the selection process so g snagat tight. Management trainee candidates will follow a pre-determined selection process as participants MTprogram
There are 4 main criteria in the soft aspects of competence, namely:
a.       Analytical and conceptual thinking
b.      Achievement orientation
c.       Willingness to learn
d.      Teamwork
After  passing their test through the second stage of the interview process is done gradually from human capital development till the board of directors about the interview that there are 4 levels must be passed as a candidate for MT
The last stage is the prose medical check uo to know the health condition in question in order to work properly. Rigorous selection process is intentionally biased dibua so in hopes getting a qualified candidate as expected.
4.      Claims  procedure
Process and filing insurance claims process in adira overall pretty simple. You simply fill out a form and a report claims that there is complete documents required, the team will analyze adira further insurance claims in accordance with the existing conditions of coverage. The main thing to ensure is that your losses is guaranteed in the policy.
Confirmation of payment to payments made secar deposit or cash, do it immediately after confirmation of payment as follows:
a.       Phone
b.      Sms channel
c.       Email
d.      Website
With your premium changes Dapa added protection extension below:
a.       Third party liability;
b.      Personal accident;
c.       Medical expense;
d.      Flood and Winstorm;
e.       Earthquake, tsunami, and volcanic eruption;
f.       Strike, riot, civil and Commotion.

2.2.2        Why we need Insurance?

The insurance has special benefit that anticipated financial position or customer back before happening lass. The other hand, the insurance can decrease anticipated risk, can  decrease burden of financial because of happened risk that come suddenly, give guiet in working and others benefits.
What ever the activity that we do absolutely has risk unexception when we are being in vehicle. Eventhough we had already carefully, perhaps get accident it must be. That we can do is to minimize the risk of financial whe accident happent.
There are some reasons why we need insurance.
1.      Autocilin, one of main product of Adira Insurance present to answer the problem. The complete of insurance and future denotes reall form of autocilin effart for always coming to its coustomer.
As the name of the product “autocilin”, tha denote combination of two words it is “auto” and “cilin”, we try giving “ medicine” as recovering for vehicle. But it is not only for vehicle, or the value of financial, besides, autocilin  gives covering for dissapponted of heart.
2.      To face the victim of fire, you can minimize risk by appliying standard in every activities, so that it does not happen a mistake that can couse fire. Eventhough it had been organized well, the victim can perhaps happen. That you can do is by removing the risk at the company insurance.
3.      The product of insurance Adira Insurance prepsares com prehensive of protection or total disadvantage heavy divice such as tractor, bulldozer, excavator, crane and others heavy devices to damage eventhough when it is operating or not.
4.      The process of carrying goods it is not known by youself that send the goods. The most important for you is the goods arrive to the place on time in well condition. Its id not can couse advantage of financial for you. For minimizing the risk advisable to insurance the process of carrying.
Do you still feel afraid loss your motorcycle that is parking at crowded central, or at your house yard? Do you still feel afraid of getting an accident when is riding motorcycle, eventhough yourself have taken care? Now, you can breat fee, because the company Insurance Adira Dinamika (Adira Insurance) offers solution that can decrease your affaid. Adira Insurance offers a product motorcycle insurance by name motorpo, that can protect your motorcycle and also can protect yourself.
What do we wait to don’t use insurance? The government has started one step more advance in thinking the future of their society by watching the insurance as compulsory program for the cltizen. The ministery of economy Aburizal Bakrie (Monday, 12/10) said that in 2014 about 230 billion Indonesian have to get insurance protection, he said this case has to be firmed through statute that contains that every person must has insurance. The government will underwrite insurance for the poor citizen, that cover health insurance (ASKES), manpower guaranty social (Jamsostek) and Manpower Ansurance Social (ASTEK).
Deputy II, side resident social prosperity Adang Setiana said, that the government has target in 2014 all citizen must already have insurance for the citizen will be underwritten the, so it is prdaparing statue to manage the obligation of insurance ownership every Indonesian.
Initate to plan for having insurance from insurance company your favorite, through an agent insurance that spread in Indonesian. Be smart in choosing by payment time that it is short payment time, and the benefir that according our necessary.



3.1       Conclusion
1.      Tech that applied by Adira Insurance so Adira's Insurance Premium gets on 40 % .
Process"" one that constitute organization portal holds to play a part essential in get potential employee candidate, one that have interest according to organization requirement, one that have tall job spirit to give the best one, and of course it is healthy carnal and spiritual.
2.      We need insurance
      Insurance is one of operation form run the risk, by shifts/transferred runs the risk that of first side goes to party any other, in this case is to insurance company. Devolution that was constituted by law and principle order that prevailing universal ala, one that followed by first party and also other party. According to kuhd section 246 said that insurance or about responsibility is an indentured by which someone fasten self to reassured someone, by accepts a premium, for substitution to her because a damage or expected gain loss one maybe will be suffered it is because an at loose ends scene.
      Available six basic principle kind that shall be accomplished deep world insurance, which is insurable, interest, utmost good faith, proximate cause, indemnity, subrogation, and contribution.
Even government have begun more ahead a step in think up its people future with look nine ways insurance as program of mandatory for its citizen. Menko kesra Aburizal Bakrie (monday 12 / 10) declare for that on year 2014 as much 230 million (two hundred thirty million) Indonesian peoples shall have insurance protections.
Government will take on insurance for people hole in the wall, one that ranges health insurance, employment social security, republic of Indonesian armed forces social insurance and labour social insurance. But, because is not all insurance divide its people will take on government, therefore being made ready by legislation to manage insurance ownership liabilities for every its Indonesian  citizen.
3.2       Tips
Behave the importance for insurance, one worthy its we respond positive for upturned beginning commanding thinking see farther nation future to the fore. As citizen that can and have integrity, therefore advisable we back up to program that with beginning have insurance for our own.

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